Sunday, August 24, 2014


A Smart Grid Technology

A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses analogy or digital information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviours of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.

Roll-out of smart grid technology also implies a fundamental re-engineering of the electricity services industry, although typical usage of the term is focused on the technical infrastructure.

The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industry into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economic and environmental health. During the transition period, it will be critical to carry out testing, technology improvements, consumer education, development of standards and regulations, and information sharing between projects to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include:
  • ·         More efficient transmission of electricity
  • ·         Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances
  • ·         Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers
  • ·         Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates

·         Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems

The Smart Grid will consist of millions of pieces and parts—controls, computers, power lines, and new technologies and equipment. It will take some time for all the technologies to be perfected, equipment installed, and systems tested before it comes fully on line. And it won’t happen all at once—the Smart Grid is evolving, piece by piece, over the next decade or so. Once mature, the Smart Grid will likely bring the same kind of transformation that the Internet has already brought to the way we live, work, play, and learn.
The Smart Grid is not just about utilities and technologies; it is about giving you the information and tools you need to make choices about your energy use. If you already manage activities such as personal banking from your home computer, imagine managing your electricity in a similar way. A smarter grid will enable an unprecedented level of consumer participation.
For example, you will no longer have to wait for your monthly statement to know how much electricity you use. With a smarter grid, you can have a clear and timely picture of it. "Smart meters," and other mechanisms, will allow you to see how much electricity you use, when you use it, and its cost. Combined with real-time pricing, this will allow you to save money by using less power when electricity is most expensive.

The Smart Home

How will the Smart Grid affect your home? It won’t look very different, but behind the scenes a lot will be happening. Even right now, in many cities across the nation, new equipment, appliances, and software are available that use emerging Smart Grid technologies to save energy, seek out the lowest rates, and contribute to the smooth and efficient functioning of our electric grid.

Smart Meters and Home Energy Management Systems

A key element that allows all of the emerging Smart Grid technologies to function together is the interactive relationship between the grid operators, utilities, and you. Computerized controls in your home and appliances can be set up to respond to signals from your energy provider to minimize their energy use at times when the power grid is under stress from high demand, or even to shift some of their power use to times when power is available at a lower cost.
Smart meters provide the Smart Grid interface between you and your energy provider. Installed in place of your old, mechanical meter, these meters operate digitally, and allow for automated and complex transfers of information between your home and your energy provider. For instance, smart meters will deliver signals from your energy provider that can help you cut your energy costs. Smart meters also provide utilities with greater information about how much electricity is being used throughout their service areas.
This energy information coming to and from your home through your smart meter can be run through a home energy management system (EMS), which will allow you to view it in an easy-to-understand format on your computer or hand-held device. A home EMS allows you to track your energy use in detail to better save energy. For instance, you can see the energy impact of various appliances and electronic products simply by monitoring your EMS while switching the devices on and off.
An EMS also allows you to monitor real-time information and price signals from your utility and create settings to automatically use power when prices are lowest. You can also choose settings that allow specific appliances and equipment to turn off automatically when a large demand threatens to cause an outage—avoiding peak demand rates, helping to balance the energy load in your area, and preventing blackouts. Your utility may provide financial incentives for doing so.

Smart Appliances

In your smart home, many of your appliances will be networked together, allowing you to access and operate them through your EMS. An EMS provides the ability to turn on your heater or air conditioner from work when you’re about to go home or keep track of the energy use of specific appliances or equipment—like tracking the energy use of your pool pump, or seeing how much energy you saved with your new Energy Star dishwasher.
Smart appliances will also be able to respond to signals from your energy provider to avoid using energy during times of peak demand. This is more complicated than a simple on and off switch. For instance, a smart air conditioner might extend its cycle time slightly to reduce its load on the grid; while not noticeable to you, millions of air conditioners acting the same way could significantly reduce the load on the power grid. Likewise, a smart refrigerator could defer its defrost cycle until off-peak hours, or a smart dishwasher might defer running until off-peak hours.

Home Power generation

As consumers move toward home energy generation systems, the interactive capacity of the Smart Grid will become more and more important. Rooftop solar electric systems and small wind turbines are now widely available, and people in rural areas may even consider installing a small hydropower system on a nearby stream. Companies are also starting to roll out home fuel cell systems, which produce heat and power from natural gas.
The Smart Grid, with its system of controls and smart meters, will help to effectively connect all these mini-power generating systems to the grid, to provide data about their operation to utilities and owners, and to know what surplus energy is feeding back into the grid versus being used on site. A potential feature of the Smart Grid will be to allow your community to use your solar array—and your neighbor’s—to keep the lights on even when there is no power coming from a utility. Called “islanding,” it will allow a home to grab power from “distributed resources,” such as local rooftop solar, small hydropower, and wind projects, until utility workers can bring the grid back online.

Renewable energy

Geography issues aside, the current grid has difficulty accommodating variable sources of power like wind and solar energy, the fastest-growing sources of renewable power on the grid. As these resources begin to supply increasing percentages of power to the grid, integrating them into grid operations will become increasingly difficult.
The Smart Grid will be able to make better use of these energy resources. It will give grid operators new tools to reduce power demand quickly when wind or solar power dips, and it will have more energy storage capabilities to absorb excess wind and solar power when it isn't needed, then to release that energy when the wind and solar power dips. In effect, energy storage will help to smooth out the variability in wind and solar resources, making them easier to use.
Building an electric superhighway can also help solve the problem, as it will help to ship the power to where it is needed. Studies have shown that connecting wind resources from a diversity of geographic locations helps to balance out fluctuations in wind power. In other words, when the wind isn't blowing in Iowa, in may be blowing in North Dakota or Wyoming. Having such geographically diverse wind resources on a single electric superhighway will result in a more steady supply of wind power to the nation's power grid, making it easier for grid operators to make full use of this resource.

Distribution intelligence

"Distribution intelligence" refers to the part of the Smart Grid that applies to the utility distribution system, that is, the wires, switches, and transformers that connect the utility substation to you, the customers. The power lines that run through people's back yards are one part of the power distribution system.
A key component of distribution intelligence is outage detection and response. Today, many utilities rely on customer phone calls to know which areas of their distribution system are being affected by a power outage. Along with smart meters, distribution intelligence will help to quickly pinpoint the source of a power outage so that repair crews can be immediately dispatched to the problem area.
A utility's outage response can also improve. Most utilities count on complex power distribution schemes and manual switching to keep power flowing to most of their customers, even when power lines are damaged and destroyed. However, this approach has its limitations, and in many cases an automated system could respond more quickly and could keep the power flowing to more customers.
By having sensors that can indicate when parts of the distribution system have lost power, and by combining automated switching with an intelligent system that determines how best to respond to an outage, power can be rerouted to most customers in a matter of seconds, or perhaps even milliseconds.
It may even be possible to react quickly enough to power disturbances so that only those in the immediate neighborhood are affected, while other customers' power source are rerouted fast enough to avoid any interruption in power. This capability could be the first example of the highly touted "self-healing" aspect of the Smart Grid in action.

The "Self-Healing" Power Distribution System

Outage response is one aspect of distribution intelligence that is commonly referred to as distribution automation(DA). DA may actually be the oldest segment of the Smart Grid, because utilities have been automating their distribution systems since the 1960s. But while DA initially focused just on remote control of switches, the Electric Power Research Institute now considers distribution intelligence to mean a fully controllable and flexible distribution system.
Combining DA components with a set of intelligent sensors, processors, and communication technologies will lead to distribution intelligence. When fully deployed, distribution intelligence will enable an electric utility to remotely monitor and coordinate its distribution assets, operating them in an optimal matter using either manual or automatic controls.

Helping the Grid Run More Efficiently and Reliably

Along with outage detection and response, another potential application of distribution intelligence is the ability to optimize the balance between real and reactive power. Devices that store and release energy, such as capacitors, or that use coils of wire to induce magnetic fields, such as electrical motors, have the ability to cause increased electrical currents without consuming real power; this is known as reactive power.
A certain amount of reactive power is desirable within a power system, but too much reactive power can lead to large current flows that serve no purpose, causing efficiency losses as they heat up the distribution system wires. An intelligent distribution system can use power electronics to maintain the proper level of reactive power in thesystem.
Distribution intelligence can also help to protect and control the feeder lines, the power lines that make up the distribution system. Most feeder lines are now protected by breakers or relays that trip when high currents flow through the line, a situation normally caused by a fault somewhere in the system. These relays sometimes incorporate time delays to allow for momentary flows of high current, which may be caused by industrial equipment powering up, rather than a fault. Protection systems are often a combination of instantaneous breakers with high current settings and time-delayed breakers or relays with lower settings.
These systems of automated breakers and relays end up being a balancing act: they must allow the system to operate with high currents when needed but protect the system and the people around it from high current flows when a fault exists. Distribution intelligence can provide a more elegant approach to protecting the feeder lines, using sophisticated monitoring and controls to detect and correct for faults while maintaining the highest level ofsystem reliability during non-fault conditions.
An intelligent system could even detect and isolate faults in specific pieces of equipment and route power through a backup system instead, maintaining power reliability. Distribution intelligence can also incorporate more sophisticated ground-fault detectors to minimize the possibility that people can be shocked or electrocuted when encountering downed power lines.
Most utilities are only starting on the road to true distribution intelligence, but the market is expected to boom in the coming years.

Consumer Engagement

The Smart Grid offers many opportunities for consumers to save energy and for utilities to operate the grid in a more efficient, effective, and reliable way. But some features enabled by the Smart Grid also involve some sacrifice on the part of consumers, such as holding off on running your dishwasher until later in the evening.
A smart consumer will ask, "What's in it for me?" And the answer is: money. Specifically, participating in these programs will earn consumers extra savings on their energy bills. And for people who generate their own power, it can even result in something you never thought you would see: your utility could mail a check to you.
Many utilities already offer their customers ways to save extra money on their utility bills. For people with central air conditioning systems, for instance, some utilities will place a remote-control switch on the air conditioner to cycle the air conditioner on and off during times of peak power demand. In return, customers receive a credit on their electrical bill.
The Smart Grid will allow programs like these to operate in more sophisticated ways, resulting in greater energy savings with less inconvenience to businesses and homeowners. Some examples include time-of-use pricing, net metering, and compensation programs for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs)

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