Soft System Methodology
Soft problems
- · Difficult to define - they are problem situations
- · High social, political & human activity component
- · Sometimes wicked!
- · Soft systems thinking
Soft systems methodology is a
qualitative methodology developed by Peter Checkland and his colleagues at
Lancaster University. It applies systems concepts to qualitative research
(as does the Snyder process).
The 7-stage
1 The
problem situation unstructured
The problem situation is first experienced, as it is, by the
researcher. That is, the researcher makes as few presumptions about the
nature of the situation as possible.
2 The
problem situation expressed
In this step the researcher develops a detailed description,
a "rich picture", of the situation within which the problem occurs.
This is most often done diagrammatically.
Throughout the 7 stages, both and logic and the culture of
the situation are taken into account. These twin streams of enquiry,
logic and culture, are incorporated into the rich picture.
Checkland puts it this way. In addition to the logic
of the situation, the rich picture also tries to capture the relationships, the
value judgments people make, and the "feel" of the situation.
3 Root
definitions of relevant systems (CATWOE)
Now the "root definitions", the essence of
the relevant systems, are defined.
For the logical analysis, Checkland provides the mnemonic
CATWOE as a checklist for ensuring that the important features of the root
definitions are included:
are system beneficiaries
transform inputs to outputs
inputs into outputs
relevant world views
persons with power of veto
constraints...that need to be considered
"transformation" element is one of
the features that signal this as a "systems" approach.
The cultural analysis has three parts:
A role analysis, focusing on the intervention itself.
This seeks to identify the client, the would-be problem solver (the
researcher), and the problem owner (roughly, stakeholders). In the terms
that we used in earlier sessions you could think of this as the diagnostic part
of entry and contracting.
A social system analysis. This identifies, for the problem situation, three sets of elements: roles, norms, and values.
A political system analysis. This identifies the use of power in the problem situation.
A social system analysis. This identifies, for the problem situation, three sets of elements: roles, norms, and values.
A political system analysis. This identifies the use of power in the problem situation.
4 Making
and testing conceptual models
The researcher now draws upon her knowledge of systems
concepts and models. She develops descriptions, in system terms, of how
the relevant parts of the situation might ideally function.
One of the important questions here is: ideals from whose
point of view? If you adopt those who pay you as your client, you may well just
help the organisation exploit its members more effectively. If you adopt
everyone in the system as a client, you will avoid this problem. But
perhaps people outside the system will bear some of the cost of this.
Here, as elsewhere, a careful identification of stakeholders can make a large
difference to the outcomes.
5 Comparing
conceptual models with reality
The purpose is not to implement the conceptual models.
Rather, it is so that models and reality can be compared and contrasted.
The differences can be used as the basis for a discussion: how the relevant
systems work, how they might work, and what the implication of that might be.
6 Identify
feasible and desirable changes
From the discussion at step 5, certain possible changes are
identified. They are likely to vary in desirability and feasibility:
desirable: is it
technically an improvement?
especially, does it fit the culture?
7 Action
to improve the problem situation
The most desirable and feasible changes identified at step 6
are now put into practice.
I would like now to offer a different
description. My hope is to do this in such a way that the cyclic nature
of the process, and the use of dialectic comparisons, are made more
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